Friday, March 27, 2009

day 49

i started to realize yesterday through having our baby girl, that it has restored my faith in that there is still good people in this world. since she has come to live with us last may 9th, we have had people we know and don't know give us clothes, toys, books and etc......
but i think it really hit me yesterday when we went to this place called smart start, it a place for kids to play and paint plus you can check out puzzles, and all kinds of educational toys. to check stuff out you have to join which is quite minimal at $10 per year. so i was just talking to the lady sitting at the desk about coming back next week and joining after my wife got paid since i had gotten laid off and next week would be better for me to join. that is when she said oh if you have been laid off then don't worry about the joining fee we will waive that for you. now that might not mean much to you but to me it blow me away, i guess because she really didn't have to do it. it was more about helping people and in turn helping their children grow and learn than trying to make a buck. i know it seems like a small thing but it meant a lot to me that she would do that for someone she didn't even know. i hope this story has encouraged to have faith that good people are out and maybe even the courage to step out and help someone who might have lost their job in these crazy times.


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